Reformatting the Asia-Pacific Region into the Indo-Pacific Region as a Challenge for China

Research Article
  • Alina Sergeevna Naumenko Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
How to Cite
Naumenko A.S. Reformatting the Asia-Pacific Region into the Indo-Pacific Region as a Challenge for China. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2024. Vol. 32. No. 1. P. 204-208. DOI:


In the article, the author analyzes Western and Chinese political discourse regarding the definition of the region with access to Asia and the Pacific Ocean, in its traditional interpretation – as the Asia-Pacific Region or the new interpretation initiated by the United States – as the Indo-Pacific Region. The article provides a comparative analysis of the American Indo-Pacific security strategy and the Chinese approach to cooperation and security in the Asia-Pacific Region. The author comes to the conclusion that the reformatting of the Asia-Pacific Region is caused by the growing role of China and the desire of the United States to stem the Chinese influence in the region.
Asia-Pacific Region, Indo-Pacific Region, USA, China, Russia

Author Biography

Alina Sergeevna Naumenko, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
postgraduate student of the Chair of Comparative Politics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


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Received: 05.03.2024

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Naumenko, A. S. (2024). Reformatting the Asia-Pacific Region into the Indo-Pacific Region as a Challenge for China. Vlast’ (The Authority), 32(1), 204-208.