In Search of Homeland: Trends in Migration Behavior of Modern Armenians

Research Article
  • Vladimir Denisovich Kuz'min Moscow City Pedagogical University
How to Cite
Kuz’min V.D. In Search of Homeland: Trends in Migration Behavior of Modern Armenians. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2023. Vol. 31. No. 4. P. 267-274. DOI:


Throughout the flow of history, migration has been an indispensable part no nation in the world can avoid. Certainly, Armenian ethnos is not an exception, even though its migration pathways have a specific trait: a return to the Motherland has always been an essential part of their migration cycles. The latter fact is corroborated by the spark of immigration back to Armenia in the 2000s, which influenced the Armenian state positively, was signified by the labor influx that resulted in the enhancement of living conditions. Indeed the dissatisfaction of the repatriates themselves with working conditions, quality of life, and social factors was a concomitant of their repatriation since they came from more economically prosperous countries such as the USA or countries from the European Union. Moreover, the ongoing military conflict, linguistic barrier, and lack of socialization are the issues that make Armenian repatriation a laborious process. Consequently, despite Armenia being the historical Homeland of the repatriates, they psychologically perceive repatriation as moving to an entirely new country, where they have to walk through a challenging and arduous process of social reintegration, which demands endeavor not only from the newly-came repatriates but also from people, who have lived in Armenia for their whole life.
Armenians, repatriation, migration, humanism, diaspora, new historical homeland

Author Biography

Vladimir Denisovich Kuz'min, Moscow City Pedagogical University
postgraduate student


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Received: 09.09.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Kuz’min, V. D. (2023). In Search of Homeland: Trends in Migration Behavior of Modern Armenians. Vlast’ (The Authority), 31(4), 267-274.