The Ethical Component of State Decisions in the Modern Political Process

Research Article
  • Afag Firudin kizi Ahmadova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
How to Cite
Ahmadova A.F. kizi. The Ethical Component of State Decisions in the Modern Political Process. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2023. Vol. 31. No. 3. P. 86-90. DOI:


The article describes conceptual framework of the ethical decision-making traditions in public sector which is significantly differs from the private sector decision-making rules. In the nowadays policymaking process modern purpose-oriented way of thinking replaces former value-based rational thought. In times of deep uncertainty and complexity when each decision cannot rely on previous experience in order to reduce the effort and for effectiveness of decision one has to apply a moral nihilism supposed to reject moral, religious and legal codes of the humankind culture. Due to the dominance of the subjectivity in the process of making ethical decisions a distorted perception of reality and susceptibility to external manipulations are inevitable. Today it can be assumed that government leaders in the future will be required to have more advanced skills for good ethical governance.
ethical decision-making in public sector, metaethics, ethics of decision-making, moral nihilism, distorted perception, ethical policymaking

Author Biography

Afag Firudin kizi Ahmadova, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
postgraduate student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications


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Received: 06.07.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Ahmadova, A. F. kizi. (2023). The Ethical Component of State Decisions in the Modern Political Process. Vlast’ (The Authority), 31(3), 86-90.