Interpretation of God-Given Power in Russia in the Times of Absolute Monarchy Evolvement and Consolidation

Research Article
  • Galina Valer’evna Talina Moscow State Pedagogical University
    Elibrary Author_id 447741
How to Cite
Talina G.V. Interpretation of God-Given Power in Russia in the Times of Absolute Monarchy Evolvement and Consolidation. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2023. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 194-201. DOI:


The paper deals with the power system established in Russia in the late half of the 17th – first quarter of the 18th century as interpreted by its contemporaries. The Russian monarchy was seen then as God-given, hereditary and autocratic. The thinkers of that time weren’t beyond assuming that the power was granted by God to a monarch through an intermediary who could be a single person or a communion of people, but still believed that the will of God was behind the people’s actions at all times. A monarch answered to God for his/her actions, but was considered above human judgement. Acting against him/her was, therefore, in effect, denying the divine origin of the monarch’s power and viewing the Tsar as Antichrist. Tsars were often seen as stewards of God, but any attempts on their part to emulate God were frowned upon. The purpose of the Tsars’ power was, in the general opinion, to benefit the people.
God-given power, hereditary monarchy, autocracy, social philosophy, state ideology

Author Biography

Galina Valer’evna Talina, Moscow State Pedagogical University
Dr.Sci. (Hist.), Professor; Head of the Chair of History, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education


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Received: 30.04.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Talina, G. V. (2023). Interpretation of God-Given Power in Russia in the Times of Absolute Monarchy Evolvement and Consolidation. Vlast’ (The Authority), 31(2), 194-201.