The Trend of Transition to Remote Work and the Labor Market in Conditions of Digitalization

Research Article
  • Anna Viktorovna Bovkunova Belgorod National Research University
How to Cite
Bovkunova A.V. The Trend of Transition to Remote Work and the Labor Market in Conditions of Digitalization. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2023. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 30-36. DOI:


Digital technologies are changing modern society. At the same time, the speed and scale of changes are increasing, which makes it necessary for almost all spheres of life to respond objectively to the processes taking place and rebuild them in accordance with new realities. The article examines the results of the impact of digital transformation on the labor market, employment, labor cost efficiency and significant competencies of employees. The author presents the results of the sociological research – a questionnaire survey of self-employed citizens. In the context of the active development of digitalization, the introduction of new technologies, a simplified system for switching to a remote mode of work, caused, among other things, by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the relevance of the chosen topic is due to the rapid renewal of the labor market and the changeability of in-demand professions, changes in practice and traditional ideas about employment. History and related processes are interdependent. Just as the transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one could not take place only positively or only negatively, so during the transition to a digital society, the influence of a new wave of information technologies radically changes people's lives, on the one hand – simplifying many processes, on the other hand – causing certain difficulties. Therefore, the state of a society based on digitalization cannot be viewed only from the positive or only from the negative side. Digitalization defines systemic risks and carries the threat of total unfreedom.
employment, COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, labor market, remote work, digitalization

Author Biography

Anna Viktorovna Bovkunova, Belgorod National Research University
Head of the Protocol Department of the Rector's Office


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Received: 24.04.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Bovkunova, A. V. (2023). The Trend of Transition to Remote Work and the Labor Market in Conditions of Digitalization. Vlast’ (The Authority), 31(2), 30-36.