Managerial Aspect of the Discourse of Electoral Behavior

Research Article
  • Natal'ya Anatol’evna Starodubtseva Bryansk State Academician I.G. Petrovski University
How to Cite
Starodubtseva N.A. Managerial Aspect of the Discourse of Electoral Behavior. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2023. Vol. 31. No. 1. P. 169-176. DOI:


The article deals with topical issues of influencing electoral behavior with the help of management technologies. The author presents the results of a sociological study: the degree of awareness of the population about the upcoming voting procedure at the elections; the level of absenteeism and its main causes; possible motives for voting at the elections; the degree of satisfaction with the provision of information about the upcoming elections; the stability of political views. The conclusion was the statement about the need to use management discourse technologies in the formation of electoral behavior. Management technologies in this case make it possible to influence the development of social processes within the competence of the state, to correct management decisions in a timely manner, including those that eliminate social tension, to maintain public confidence in the state, as well as to create real conditions for citizens’ influence upon the decision-making.
discourse, governance, electoral behavior, elections, absenteeism

Author Biography

Natal'ya Anatol’evna Starodubtseva, Bryansk State Academician I.G. Petrovski University
postgraduate student


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Received: 09.03.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Starodubtseva, N. A. (2023). Managerial Aspect of the Discourse of Electoral Behavior. Vlast’ (The Authority), 31(1), 169-176.