EU States and the Pandemic: Pros and Cons of European Integration

Research Article
  • Максим Константинович Morozov Saint Petersburg State University
How to Cite
Morozov М.К. EU States and the Pandemic: Pros and Cons of European Integration. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2022. Vol. 30. No. 6. P. 195-203. DOI:


The article retrospectively analyzes aspects of the development of European integration, which have acquired particular importance during the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in European Union. The author analyzes the trends and prospects for European integration that have emerged during the pandemic, based on the consideration of the foreign policy interests of the EU countries and the systemic role of the EU in the world, influencing the foreign policy of its constituent countries. However, the EU states have shown a tendency to use the advantages of the EU as a regional integration association in the fight against coronavirus, while at the same time have not made the integration processes irreversible. Important issues turned out to be such as the economic benefits of European integration, the role of the EU's soft power in the world, the EU's political splits, and the promptness of the EU's response to international problems. The European Union has shown itself to be a significant player in solving the internal problems of its members, but not so much as to completely replace the activities of local actors. The author emphasizes that the problems and contradictions indicated in the article were typical for the pandemic phase in 2020–2021, while the latest events of the Ukrainian crisis brought new challenges to the fore.
pandemic; EU; European integration; balance of power; international actors; supranational regulation

Author Biography

Максим Константинович Morozov, Saint Petersburg State University
3rd year postgraduate student of the School of International Relations


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Received: 21.12.2022

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

MorozovМ. К. (2022). EU States and the Pandemic: Pros and Cons of European Integration. Vlast’ (The Authority), 30(6), 195-203.