Political Self-Identification of the Youth: Formation Parameters

Research Article
  • Evgeniya Viktorovna Makhmutova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation EVMakhmutova@fa.ru
    Elibrary Author_id 721484
How to Cite
Makhmutova E.V. Political Self-Identification of the Youth: Formation Parameters. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2022. Vol. 30. No. 5. P. 124-128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v30i5.9251


The political self-identification of young people is a significant indicator of the state stability. In the context of new geopolitical challenges for Russia, following the Russian military special operation in Ukraine, decision-makers face the task of intensifying cooperation with the younger generation and forming a holistic and critically meaningful approach to new political and economic realities. The article analyzes the main sources of self-identification of young people, factors influencing the political participation of the younger generation and existing channels of interaction between young people and the state. The empirical basis for the article is sociological surveys, as well as regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The author resumes that despite the established and generally effective mechanisms for stimulating the political participation of young people in Russia, there is still a significant space for improving the quality of interaction on the track of «government – young generation», which is reflected, among others, in the formation of an attractive image by the state itself.
youth; identification; political socialization; youth parliament; volunteering; political participation

Author Biography

Evgeniya Viktorovna Makhmutova, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Cand.Sci. (Pol.Sci.), Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications


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Received: 31.10.2022

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Makhmutova, E. V. (2022). Political Self-Identification of the Youth: Formation Parameters. Vlast’ (The Authority), 30(5), 124-128. https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v30i5.9251