Problems of Legal Regulation of Relations for the Use of Toll Roads

Research Article
  • Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Butakova Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University
    Elibrary Author_id 283066
  • Irina Vladimirovna Evgrafova Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University
    Elibrary Author_id 316758
How to Cite
Butakova N.A., Evgrafova I.V. Problems of Legal Regulation of Relations for the Use of Toll Roads. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2022. Vol. 30. No. 4. P. 146-149. DOI:


The article deals with the problems of building roads in the Russian Federation with the participation of public-private partnerships. The article analyzes the problem of forecasting the demand for a social infrastructure object by analogy with the foreign experience of PPP in this area. The authors note the issues of the development of road construction through PPP, which has been gaining momentum since the beginning of the 20th century and indicate the ways of improving the practice of forecasting demand in toll road projects.
public-private partnership; private sector; cooperation; investments; public projects; budget financing; demand forecasting

Author Biographies

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Butakova, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University
Dr.Sci. (Legal), Head of the Chair of State and International Law
Irina Vladimirovna Evgrafova, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University
Cand.Sci. (Ped.), Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities Education


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Macário R. 2010. Critical Issues in the Design of Contractual Relations for Transport Infrastructure Development. – Research in Transportation Economics. Vol. 30. Is. 1. P. 1-5.

Received: 29.08.2022

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Butakova, N. A., & Evgrafova, I. V. (2022). Problems of Legal Regulation of Relations for the Use of Toll Roads. Vlast’ (The Authority), 30(4), 146-149.