Psychological Features of the Terrorist Personality in the Context of the Scoolshooting Problem

Research Article
  • Sofia Anatol’evna Lomovskaya Tomsk State Pedagogical University
  • Evgenij Andreevich Ponomarev Tomsk State Pedagogical University
How to Cite
Lomovskaya S.A., Ponomarev E.A. Psychological Features of the Terrorist Personality in the Context of the Scoolshooting Problem. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2022. Vol. 30. No. 3. P. 284-288. DOI:


 Terrorist activity is one of the most serious problems, causing irreparable damage to the public life of the population throughout the world, including the population of the Russian Federation. The article provides statistical data that actualize the importance of the problem of terrorism. The authors pay special attention to such an offshoot of terrorism as school shooting. They consider personality of the terrorist, his external signs, give the moral and psychological characteristics of the criminal. The article gives the recommendations on the recognition and prevention of terrorist incidents, as well as training situations. The authors tell of warning signs, which can help in the initial stages to detect and prevent the commission of a terrorist attack by a hypothetical school shooter. They also pay attention to the role of social networks. In conclusion, the authors note that many factors influence the formation of personality, and the main goal of preventing terrorism and school shooting should be to reduce the influence of these factors on the developing psyche.
terrorism; school shooting; school shooters; terrorist attacks; psychology; psychological characteristics; personality of terrorist; characteristic of terrorist

Author Biographies

Sofia Anatol’evna Lomovskaya, Tomsk State Pedagogical University
Evgenij Andreevich Ponomarev, Tomsk State Pedagogical University


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Received: 08.07.2022

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Lomovskaya, S. A., & Ponomarev, E. A. (2022). Psychological Features of the Terrorist Personality in the Context of the Scoolshooting Problem. Vlast’ (The Authority), 30(3), 284-288.