Expert and Analytical Community: Knowledge Intensity and Responsibility

Research Article
  • Vyacheslav Konstantinovich Petrov School of Young Ethnopolitologist
  • Marina Yur’evna Petrova School of Young Ethnopolitologist
How to Cite
Petrov V.K., Petrova M.Y. Expert and Analytical Community: Knowledge Intensity and Responsibility. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2022. Vol. 30. No. 3. P. 39-46. DOI:


The article considers expert-analytical communities as self-organizing voluntary associations of people based on interests and expertise in a specific field of professional activity, and it is expertise (knowledge intensity) that is the dominant feature of the community. The authors believe that the main purpose of these communities is to determine the range and methods of posing significant problems, as well as to develop and justify competing approaches to solving them and predicting possible consequences. The article states the difference between experts and analysts in terms of the content of the activity, its nature, as well as the final documents.
Information and analytical activities; expert and analytical communities; expertise (knowledge intensity); development of competing approaches to solving complex problems; forecasting possible consequences

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Konstantinovich Petrov, School of Young Ethnopolitologist
Cand.Sci. (Philos.), Editor-in-Сhief of the website «Political Education», Deputy Head of the
Marina Yur’evna Petrova, School of Young Ethnopolitologist
Cand.Sci. (Psych.), member of the website «Political Education» Editorial Board, Expert


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Received: 29.06.2022

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Petrov, V. K., & Petrova, M. Y. (2022). Expert and Analytical Community: Knowledge Intensity and Responsibility. Vlast’ (The Authority), 30(3), 39-46.