International Activities of the Comintern: on the Way to the United Front (1920s - 1930s)

Research Article
  • Gleb Olegovich Rykov Moscow University for the Humanities
How to Cite
Rykov G.O. International Activities of the Comintern: on the Way to the United Front (1920s - 1930s). Vlast’ (The Authority). 2022. Vol. 30. No. 1. P. 191-196. DOI:


The article highlights the pages of Soviet history associated with the representation of the phenomenon of the left movement as the most complicated package of interactions between prominent individuals and organizations that have had a significant impact on all of humanity. The most important role in this process belonged to the Comintern. The author substantiated a position that the activity of the Comintern was aimed at the overcoming the contradictions within the left forces against the background of the intensified political struggle. The result was the idea of creating a united front of the left forces. However, according to the author, the scale of the tasks could not but lead to splits and deviations within the communist parties and workers organizations.
Comintern; social democracy; left movement; united front; Communist Party of Poland; Communist Party of Australia

Author Biography

Gleb Olegovich Rykov, Moscow University for the Humanities
postgraduate student at the Chair of History and Regional Studies


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Received: 28.02.2022

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Rykov, G. O. (2022). International Activities of the Comintern: on the Way to the United Front (1920s - 1930s). Vlast’ (The Authority), 30(1), 191-196.