Who Was Truly Responsible for the Great Patriotic War?

Research Article
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Asonov Moscow State Pedagogical University nbassonov@yandex.ru
    Elibrary Author_id 263555
  • Anton Borisovich Moiseev V.Ya. Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation borisyech71@mail.ru
How to Cite
Asonov N.V., Moiseev A.B. Who Was Truly Responsible for the Great Patriotic War?. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2021. Vol. 29. No. 5. P. 22-25. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v29i5.8523


The article puts forward an alternative point of view on the chief perpetrator of the Great Patriotic War, which, according to the author's arguments, is the liberal camp, which has appreciated the left-extremist ideology of radicalism, aimed at suppressing the cultural and historical traditions of the great nations of Europe. This caused a toxic response in western patriotic circles, supported by the Stalinist government of the USSR. Fearing a further rapprochement of these forces, being threatened, liberalism and the liberal camp gave Europe to the national-fascists and pushed them to strike the USSR, temporarily leaving the political arena, and at the background of the political struggle, calculating the complete weakening of liberal forces opponents and the subsequent imposition of their will on both sides.
Great Patriotic War; left-right radicalism; left-right extremism; liberalism; national-fascism

Author Biographies

Nikolai Vasilyevich Asonov, Moscow State Pedagogical University
Dr.Sci. (Pol.Sci.), Professor of the Chair of Political Science
Anton Borisovich Moiseev, V.Ya. Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Sociology and Political Science


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Received: 20.10.2021

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Asonov, N. V., & Moiseev, A. B. (2021). Who Was Truly Responsible for the Great Patriotic War?. Vlast’ (The Authority), 29(5), 22-25. https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v29i5.8523