The Pandemic: Problems of Managing International Labor Migration

Research Article
  • Vladimir Aleksandrovich Volokh State University of Management
    Elibrary Author_id 495688
  • Nikolai Viktorovich Kurdymov «International Alliance «Labor Migration»
How to Cite
Volokh V.A., Kurdymov N.V. The Pandemic: Problems of Managing International Labor Migration. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2021. Vol. 29. No. 4. P. 139-145. DOI:


The authors note that Russia is one of the global centers of migration attraction and ranks the 4th in the number of accepted migrants in the world and the 2nd in Europe. The coronavirus pandemic adjusts migration processes in Russia also. The closure of borders, the termination of transport links between the countries, the introduction of quarantine restrictions led to the fact that citizens who were abroad at that moment could not return to their homeland. The reception of documents, registration and issuance of invitations to enter the Russian Federation to foreign citizens, including labor migrants were not available. The Operational headquarters for the prevention of the import and spread of a new coronavirus infection has approved the Algorithm of Actions developed by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation to attract foreign citizens to the economy of the Russian Federation. The mechanisms of both the algorithm and the organized recruitment will work if labor migrants comply with certain conditions that the authors propose. They concluded that today it is necessary to improve the mechanisms for managing international labor migration and legal support for the implementation of the state migration policy.
coronavirus pandemic; labor resources; Algorithm of Actions; organized recruitment; intergovernmental agreements; migration processes; migration policy; professional standards

Author Biographies

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Volokh, State University of Management
 Dr.Sci. (Pol.Sci.), Professor 
Nikolai Viktorovich Kurdymov, «International Alliance «Labor Migration»
 President of the Union of Experts and Consultants


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Received: 21.08.2021

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Volokh, V. A., & Kurdymov, N. V. (2021). The Pandemic: Problems of Managing International Labor Migration. Vlast’ (The Authority), 29(4), 139-145.