Power and Communication: from Local to Global (Philosophical Aspect)

Research Article
  • Ivan Valer'evich Yudin National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» ivanyudin@yandex.ru
    Elibrary Author_id 545726
  • Mikhail Borisovich Ljuskin National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» LiuskinMB@mpei.ru
  • Eduard Yur'eich Kalinin National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» KalininEY@mpei.ru
How to Cite
Yudin I.V., Ljuskin M.B., Kalinin E.Y. Power and Communication: from Local to Global (Philosophical Aspect). Vlast’ (The Authority). 2021. Vol. 29. No. 4. P. 35-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v29i4.8373


The authors of the article attempt to analyze manipulative technologies from the standpoint of a systematic approach and the use of philosophical methods of knowledge and skills of political analysis. These technologies is the arsenal of power structures and are used to stabilize the political agenda, as well as for the self-preservation of existing political institutions in the context of globalization.
globalization; political power; manipulative influence; methods of manipulating; mass consciousness; management of public relations

Author Biographies

Ivan Valer'evich Yudin, National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»
Cand.Sci. (Pol.Sci.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology named after G.S. Aref’eva, Associate Professor of the Chair of Advertising, Public Relations and Linguistics
Mikhail Borisovich Ljuskin, National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»
Associate Professor of the Chair of Philosophy, Political Scirnce, Sociology named after G.S. Aref’eva
Eduard Yur'eich Kalinin, National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»
Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology named after G.S. Aref’eva


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Received: 11.08.2021

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Yudin, I. V., Ljuskin, M. B., & Kalinin, E. Y. (2021). Power and Communication: from Local to Global (Philosophical Aspect). Vlast’ (The Authority), 29(4), 35-43. https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v29i4.8373