The Problem of the Chronological Frames of Determination of the History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Modern Western Historiography

Research Article
  • Petras Starkus Dobroljubov State Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Eradzh Begidzhonovich Boev Dobroljubov State Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
How to Cite
Starkus P., Boev E.B. The Problem of the Chronological Frames of Determination of the History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Modern Western Historiography. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2021. Vol. 29. No. 2. P. 285-288. DOI:


The problem of historical processes periodization is quite debatable in modern historiography. There are many state historical schools’ traditions that because of political conjuncture are trying to make their statehood history more ancient. This article is devoted to the problems of periodization of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The authors attempt to change generally accepted chronology of that state formation.
chronology of Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Union of Lublin; history of Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Author Biographies

Petras Starkus, Dobroljubov State Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Laboratory Assistant-Researcher of Scientific-Research Laboratory of World’s and Regionals’ Social-Politics Processes Research
Eradzh Begidzhonovich Boev, Dobroljubov State Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
Cand.Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor at the Chair of International Relations and World Political Processes, Higher School of International Relations and World Politics, associate member of World’s and Regionals’ Social-Politics Processes Research Laboratory


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Received: 05.05.2021

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Starkus, P., & Boev, E. B. (2021). The Problem of the Chronological Frames of Determination of the History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Modern Western Historiography. Vlast’ (The Authority), 29(2), 285-288.