Psychological Security of the Family as a Consolidating Factor in the Polyethnic Ambience

Research Article
  • Elena Vladimirovna Akhmadeeva Bashkir State University
How to Cite
Akhmadeeva E.V. Psychological Security of the Family as a Consolidating Factor in the Polyethnic Ambience. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2020. Vol. 28. No. 5. P. 18-24. DOI:


The article deals with the problems that pose threats to the psychological safety of an interethnic family. The concept of psychological safety is analyzed. The article presents the results of a study investigating the manifestation of the psychological safety of a person and satisfaction with marriage among spouses in an interethnic and mono-ethnic marriage. The author hypothesizes that spouses representing different ethnic groups with different levels of psychological safety of the individual have differences in indicators of marital satisfaction. To level the threats to the psychological safety of the individual the author proposes the program «School of Family Art». Consequently, the implementation of such a program will contribute to the adaptation of spouses at the initial stage of the interethnic union, will help to strengthen the emotional, moral, adaptive stability of the family at all stages of its life cycle.
family; psychological safety; interethnic marriage; mono-ethnic marriage; polyethnic ambience

Author Biography

Elena Vladimirovna Akhmadeeva, Bashkir State University
Senior Lecturer of the Chair of General Psychology, Faculty of Psychology


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Received: 26.10.2020

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Akhmadeeva, E. V. (2020). Psychological Security of the Family as a Consolidating Factor in the Polyethnic Ambience. Vlast’ (The Authority), 28(5), 18-24.