Relations between Government and Business of Russia under the Sanctions of the Authorized Pressure of Western Countries

  • Ekaterina Sergeevna Abradova
How to Cite
Abradova E.S. Relations between Government and Business of Russia under the Sanctions of the Authorized Pressure of Western Countries. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 6. P. 144-148. DOI:


The article discusses the main problems in the relationship between the government and the business community in Russia under the sanctions pressure of the western countries. Today we can talk about the protracted crisis as a favorable opportunity for development based on the concentration of domestic resources and the search for new growth points. Support for entrepreneurial initiatives and building partnerships between the state and the business community can be an impetus to the innovative development of the country and Russia's transition to the leaders of economic development in the world.
business, government, sanctions


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Abradova, E. S. (2019). Relations between Government and Business of Russia under the Sanctions of the Authorized Pressure of Western Countries. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(6), 144-148.