Social Effects of Joint Consumption (Sharing Economy): Network Economic and Political Communities

  • Sergei Yur'evich Belokonev
  • Anzor Al'bertovich Khokonov
  • Murat Zamirovich Shogenov
How to Cite
Belokonev S.Y., Khokonov A.A., Shogenov M.Z. Social Effects of Joint Consumption (Sharing Economy): Network Economic and Political Communities. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 6. P. 115-123. DOI:


In the modern period, the process of eroding the boundaries of the spheres of society and their growing interpenetration have a great influence on social life. Over the past decades, a number of radical changes have taken place in Russian politics that have affected not only the content of the traditional interactions of actors in the political process, but have also predetermined the formation of new interactions based on the use of information technologies. The article discusses the formation and development of local self-governing economic systems, examples of which are sharing communities and the formation of political networks as a technology for self-government of these communities. After analyzing the general principles of the formation of local network structures in economics and politics, the authors conclude that the main path of economic and political development is determined by the multi-vector dissemination of information technologies.
sharing community, political networks, microsocial contracts, participatory democracy


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Belokonev, S. Y., Khokonov, A. A., & Shogenov, M. Z. (2019). Social Effects of Joint Consumption (Sharing Economy): Network Economic and Political Communities. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(6), 115-123.