Political Innovations in the Modern Russian Society: Socio-Engineering Prospects of «Cloud Participants»

  • Evgenii Vasil'evich Golovatskii xomaik@rambler.ru
How to Cite
Golovatskii E.V. Political Innovations in the Modern Russian Society: Socio-Engineering Prospects of «Cloud Participants». Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 5. P. 74-79. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v27i5.6722


Political innovations in the conditions of a dynamically developing society, digital threats and risks of the future development are subject to a complex influence on the part of initiators, participants and individuals. The techniques of social engineering in terms of digital policy and cloud communication allow us to designate the interests of citizens in the system of social management. Soft technologies demonstrate communications of innovations participants with «cloud» participants in general, understandable rules and techniques, with a high speed of information broadcast in the network. The results of regional studies show a shift in public confidence towards virtual communications and electronic resources of social and political interaction. The use of socio-engineering methods of online diagnostics can transform the studied communities in the context of network interaction into not only researchers and respondents, but also political observers, commentators, public experts and critics. Virtual cloud technologies demonstrate socio-political relations based on the principles of public trust and a transparent communicative environment of everyday communication. In the future, free network communities may be able not only to use political innovation projects, but also to perform the functions of an expert community, civil (user) minority, carriers of button democracy.
political innovations, social engineering, networking, mobile research, mobile research methods


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Golovatskii, E. V. (2019). Political Innovations in the Modern Russian Society: Socio-Engineering Prospects of «Cloud Participants». Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(5), 74-79. https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v27i5.6722