Separatism as a Factor of Ethnic Conflict Situation

  • Gadzhimusa Nurudinovich Musaev
How to Cite
Musaev G.N. Separatism as a Factor of Ethnic Conflict Situation. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 3. P. 184-188. DOI:


The article analyzes the factors of the spread of national ideas and the rise of national movements leading to the aggravation of interethnic relations, as well as separatism – the extreme form of these relations. The author examines the relationship between national ideas and the rise of the national movement with the emergence of ethnic conflicts, as well as the mechanism of escalation of the conflict situation. Не also shows that the source of extremist separatist tendencies in most cases is not national ideas and movements, but the resistance of the state in realization of the right to self-determination.
separatism, ethno-political conflict, mechanism of escalation of conflict situation, nationalism, national consciousness, chauvinism, processes of emergence and development of national movements, scheme of escalation of ethno-political conflicts


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Musaev, G. N. (2019). Separatism as a Factor of Ethnic Conflict Situation. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(3), 184-188.