Peculiarities of Climatic Conditions in Russia and their Effects on the Vital Activity of the Population

  • Yurii Georgievich Peshcherov
  • Georgii Ivanovich Peshcherov
How to Cite
Peshcherov Y.G., Peshcherov G.I. Peculiarities of Climatic Conditions in Russia and their Effects on the Vital Activity of the Population. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 3. P. 121-124. DOI:


The authors analyze the geopolitical and geographical location of the territory of Russia, characterized by harsh climatic conditions. The complication of the already harsh living conditions in the regions of Russia by weather anomalies creates additional difficulties for the population. Analysis of historical data on crop failure due to weather anomalies and due to mass or partial famine in different regions of Russia allows us to identify the pattern of occurrence of climate anomalies, predict difficult weather conditions and prepare measures to ensure life safety of population. Creating an early warning system using the products of scientific and technological progress is able to provide the population with a safe life in the modern world under any weather anomalies.
climatic conditions, vital activity of the population, weather anomalies, famine, registration of weather events


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Peshcherov, Y. G., & Peshcherov, G. I. (2019). Peculiarities of Climatic Conditions in Russia and their Effects on the Vital Activity of the Population. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(3), 121-124.