The Concepts of Simulation and Virtual Reality in Terms of Digital Transformation

  • Vitalii Viktorovich Kaftan
  • Liliya Vyacheslavovna Ryazanova
How to Cite
Kaftan V.V., Ryazanova L.V. The Concepts of Simulation and Virtual Reality in Terms of Digital Transformation. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 3. P. 53-56. DOI:


The article deals with the phenomena of simulative and virtual reality as the methodological basis of research in modern political science. Their increasing relevance is due to the high level of development of digital technologies that have an impact on all spheres of society. The authors indicate the features of the functioning of these phenomena, their common features and differences. The authors concentrate on the need to increase the number of studies of phenomena of simulative and virtual reality in the policy area.
virtual reality, simulative reality, methodological grounds, J. Baudrillard, Internet


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Citation Formats
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Kaftan, V. V., & Ryazanova, L. V. (2019). The Concepts of Simulation and Virtual Reality in Terms of Digital Transformation. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(3), 53-56.