Smart-city: in Search of Conceptualization

  • Stanislav Germanovich Eremeev
How to Cite
Eremeev S.G. Smart-city: in Search of Conceptualization. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 1. P. 147-153. DOI:


The author attempts to interpret critically the emerging conceptual approaches to understanding the Smart Cities phenomenon. The development of Smart Cities is associated not only with the growth of urbanization, but also with the high dynamics of the increasing complexity of the social life of modern societies, which urgently addresses the problem of controllability, in the course of which this phenomenon should be considered.
manageability, Smart City, ICT, conceptualization, dichotomy


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Eremeev, S. G. (2019). Smart-city: in Search of Conceptualization. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(1), 147-153.