The Readiness of Modern Russian Youth to Implementation of Civic and Political Activity in the Digital Environment

  • Elena Viktorovna Brodovskaya
  • Anna Yur'evna Dombrovskaya
  • Roman Vasil'evich Pyrma
  • Artur Aleksandrovich Azarov
How to Cite
Brodovskaya E.V., Dombrovskaya A.Y., Pyrma R.V., Azarov A.A. The Readiness of Modern Russian Youth to Implementation of Civic and Political Activity in the Digital Environment. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 1. P. 91-95. DOI:


The article analyzes the attitudes of Russian youth to the civil and political online activity (discovered from the all-Russian mass survey). The authors analyze attitudes of the young generation of Russia to various civil and political network participation dimensions, as well as the assessment of youth problems associated with the spread of content that destabilizes the socio-political situation in society. The paper identifies the relationship between the readiness of young people to civic and political online activity and such features as their educational status and professional culture. The results of the article may be of interest to the authorities, the Department of Youth Policy, political parties, non-governmental organizations aimed at the formation of political culture of youth.
youth, Internet communication, social media, civil and political online activity, online survey


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Brodovskaya, E. V., Dombrovskaya, A. Y., Pyrma, R. V., & Azarov, A. A. (2019). The Readiness of Modern Russian Youth to Implementation of Civic and Political Activity in the Digital Environment. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(1), 91-95.