Strategy of Russian Regions Development: Official Version

  • Ol'ga Vladimirovna Aksenova
How to Cite
Aksenova O.V. Strategy of Russian Regions Development: Official Version. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 27. No. 1. P. 9-17. DOI:


The paper presents the results of the analysis of official web-resources of Russian federal and regional authorities. The modern version of development that leaded to uncontrolled economic growth has many risks including the rise of inequalities, distortion of natural ecosystems, and loss of identity. That is why the interpretation of the development by Russian federal and regional authorities, their strategies and plans are actual now. The whole construct of the development presented in the regional strategies, news and some other documents is identical to the pattern of progress presented at the federal resources. Generally, it is deeply technocratic, focused on the innovations, digitalization and infrastructure project that should incorporate Russia into the global economy. However, this technocratic part of above construct is not widely advertised at the regional web. The regions prefer to stress the necessity to follow traditions or necessity of human development and prosperity. However, strategies do not analyze the reasons and mechanisms of previous successes in the industry, education, science and culture.
development, innovation, tradition, construct, technology, regional strategy


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Aksenova, O. V. (2019). Strategy of Russian Regions Development: Official Version. Vlast’ (The Authority), 27(1), 9-17.