Influence of Civil Initiatives on the Transformation of Germany Party Structure

  • Bella Anatol'evna Nochvina
How to Cite
Nochvina B.A. Influence of Civil Initiatives on the Transformation of Germany Party Structure. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 26. No. 9. P. 201-205. DOI:


The article is devoted to the crisis of representativeness of the party system in Germany. The author pays the main attention to the evolution of the main political parties in Germany in the period after reunion. The article considers the evolutionary transformation of people's parties, their role in the political system of representative democracy. The author analyzes the phenomenon of the party state of Germany in conditions of increasing electoral instability. In this regard, civic initiative is a method of broadening the horizon of representative democracy. The article considers the ability of civil initiatives as a form of political struggle to form sustainable alternative political party associations. Assessing the results of the influence of the civil initiatives on the transformation of the party system in the Federal Republic of Germany, the author notes that the new social movements that emerge as an alternative to the people's parties subsequently take the form and paradigm of traditional parties.
party state, civil initiative, electoral system, representativeness, people's parties


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Nochvina, B. A. (2019). Influence of Civil Initiatives on the Transformation of Germany Party Structure. Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(9), 201-205.