The Philosophy of the Reforms of Emperor Alexander I (from «Symphony of Authorities» to Liberal Ideas)

  • Aslanbek Khavazhovich Denil'khanov
How to Cite
Denil’khanov A.K. The Philosophy of the Reforms of Emperor Alexander I (from «Symphony of Authorities» to Liberal Ideas). Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 26. No. 9. P. 117-126. DOI:


The article presents the process of transformation that took place in Russia – from the «symphony of authorities», which originates from the legal tradition of Byzantium, to the clearly expressed ideas of the constitutional monarchy. The author notes that these ideas took the form of regulations only during the reign of Alexander I as an attempt of systematic reform of the entire state system and the mechanism of state power. The article analyzes the vicissitudes of the reforms running, associated both with the socio-political and economic situation in the Russian state, and the personality of the Emperor himself. The article concludes that in the studied period, Russia has not yet formed the basis for the constitutional system, and the ideals that the supreme power tried to introduce according to the existing at the time legal structures of the other countries, one can characterize as romantic liberalism.
Alexander I, M.M. Speransky, reforms, liberalism, constitutional order


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Denil’khanov, A. K. (2019). The Philosophy of the Reforms of Emperor Alexander I (from «Symphony of Authorities» to Liberal Ideas). Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(9), 117-126.