The Mongolian Economic Corridor as Revitalization of the Great Tea Road: Possibilities of the Development of Russia, Mongolia and China Cooperation

  • Damdin Dorzhievich Badaraev
  • Irina Dorzhievna Van
How to Cite
Badaraev D.D., Van I.D. The Mongolian Economic Corridor as Revitalization of the Great Tea Road: Possibilities of the Development of Russia, Mongolia and China Cooperation. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2019. Vol. 26. No. 9. P. 56-62. DOI:


The article is devoted to the implementation of the program of the Economic Corridor «Russia – Mongolia – China». It presents a short historical excursion along the route of the Great Tea Route. The authors show the possibilities of promoting the Mongolian Central Transport Corridor as the basis for the interests of each of the three sides.
Great Tea Way, Mongolian economic corridor, regional cooperation


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Citation Formats
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Badaraev, D. D., & Van, I. D. (2019). The Mongolian Economic Corridor as Revitalization of the Great Tea Road: Possibilities of the Development of Russia, Mongolia and China Cooperation. Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(9), 56-62.