About Imperial Days in Buryat Buddhism

  • Marina Vasil'evna Ayusheeva ayagma@yandex.ru
How to Cite
Ayusheeva M.V. About Imperial Days in Buryat Buddhism. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2018. Vol. 26. No. 8. P. 148-152. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v26i8.6060


The article considers the prayer for the health of the emperor Alexander II, written by Galsan-Choirob Vanchikov, the 7th Pandida Khambo-Lama of Eastern Siberia. The author emphasizes that honoring the emperor as well as the authorities did not contradict the traditional Buddhist canons. The inclusion into religious services of the Buryat Lamaist temple of so-called imperial days – special prayers for the health and longevity of the His Majesty the Emperor and imperial family reflected the policy of integration of the Buryat Buddhist Church into the management system of imperial Russia.
imperial days, history of Buddhism, Buryats, emperor, prayer


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Ayusheeva, M. V. (2018). About Imperial Days in Buryat Buddhism. Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(8), 148-152. https://doi.org/10.31171/vlast.v26i8.6060