Is the Nature of Social Policy Changing in the Conditions of the Network Society?

  • Viktor Viktorovich Lyublinskii
How to Cite
Lyublinskii V.V. Is the Nature of Social Policy Changing in the Conditions of the Network Society?. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2018. Vol. 26. No. 8. P. 67-74. DOI:


The article considers the influence of the network society on social policy. The development of the network society generates serious social problems. Under the influence of new technologies, there is a profound restructuring of employment sphere. Workers of mass professions, a significant part of the traditional middle class are at risk. The growing category of fixed-term contract workers and temporary workers find themselves in a very vulnerable position. At best, they are only partially covered by social protection. In fact, it does not apply to workers of network virtual activities and platform network structures. In addition, it is unlikely that these problems will be solved soon. Under these conditions, the growth of social inequality and poverty may be inevitable. Meanwhile, the current model of social policy is not keeping pace with the transformation process. It was formed at the time when society was dominated by another model of development based on less advanced technologies. According to the new political approach, social policy should solve a minimum range of problems and should be less expensive. Hence, there is a real threat that the welfare state may not be able to fulfill social obligations at the level to which most citizens are accustomed. Moreover, all countries covered by the process of networking are at risk, including Russia.
network society, new technologies, network platform, social policy, employment, distribution, welfare, inequality, social equilibrium


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Lyublinskii, V. V. (2018). Is the Nature of Social Policy Changing in the Conditions of the Network Society?. Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(8), 67-74.