Modern Mongolian-American Relations

  • Viktor Borisovich Bazarov
How to Cite
Bazarov V.B. Modern Mongolian-American Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2018. Vol. 26. No. 7. P. 258-263. DOI:


After changing the political system, at the end of the 20th century, Mongolia adopted a new concept of foreign policy. This concept met the challenges of the multipolar world. Along with the main foreign policy partners of Mongolia, such as Russia and China, a separate role is played by the so-called third neighbor. According to the Foreign Policy Concept of Mongolia, the role of the third neighbor should play the industrially developed countries, such as the United States, European Union countries, Japan, etc. It is necessary to understand that the USA, working with Mongolia, works in the post-Soviet space, creates additional activity in the region in close proximity to Russia and China. Based on open official sources, the author gives an assessment of the dynamics of foreign policy dialogue between Mongolia and the United States, of foreign economic relations, interaction in various directions, including in the field of military cooperation.
Mongolia, United States, foreign policy, military cooperation, foreign trade turnover


Istoriya Mongolii. KhKh vek (pod red. R.B. Rybakova). 2007. M.: Institut vostokovedeniya RAN. 448 s. (RUS.)
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Bazarov, V. B. (2018). Modern Mongolian-American Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(7), 258-263.