Gold and Currency Resources of the Soviet State: Sources, Production and Expenditure (1920s)

  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Sarantsev
How to Cite
Sarantsev V.N. Gold and Currency Resources of the Soviet State: Sources, Production and Expenditure (1920s). Vlast’ (The Authority). 2018. Vol. 26. No. 3. P. 106-113.


The article is devoted to the study of one of the most important resources for securing the world proletarian revolution and restoring the national economy of Soviet Russia and the USSR. The author analyzes the sources of accumulation (gold and currency treasures, natural reserves, expropriation and seizure of valuables from church and «parasitic classes»), the formation and use of cash platinum and gold reserves, luxury goods and precious stones for the purchase of currency, weapons, ammunition, military equipment, combat training of command staff, revolutionary publications, material support for participants in strikes and lockouts, the creation of secret gold and currency assets of the Comintern, Profintern, Krestintern and others.
gold fund, gold commission, gold reserves, gold-mining foreign concessions


Lenin V.I. 1970. O znachenii zolota teper' i posle polnoi pobedy sotsializma. – Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. 5-e izd. M.: Politizdat. T. 44. 710 s. (RUS.)

Solomon (Isetskii) G.A. 1995. Sredi krasnykh vozhdei. M.: Sovremennik. 510 s. (RUS.)
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Sarantsev, V. N. (2018). Gold and Currency Resources of the Soviet State: Sources, Production and Expenditure (1920s). Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(3), 106-113. Retrieved from