Formation of the Crisis Factors of Political Management in the Ossetian-Ingush Relations

  • Florian Gievich Chakalidi
How to Cite
Chakalidi F.G. Formation of the Crisis Factors of Political Management in the Ossetian-Ingush Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2018. Vol. 26. No. 2. P. 118-124.


The article considers difficult and contradictory Ossetian-Ingush relations in the framework of the ethno-political methodology of comparing the determining factors and policy-administrative decisions. The parties manifested the differences in the understanding of the nature and sources of the armed conflict in the assessment of the events in 1992. Until now, the evaluation settings have remained almost unchanged. This makes it difficult to find effective means of post-conflict settlement. The task of the article is to correlate the processes of the formation of factors of ethno-political conflict and the development of managerial decisions in a conflict-prone region. The author singles out five main stages in the formation of the crisis of Ossetian-Ingush relations in the 20th century. The fundamental origin of conflict is the contradictions in the land relations of ethnic groups. The tragedy of Stalin's terror and complex decisions in overcoming its consequences led to interethnic contradictions in the sphere of symbolic politics, national mythology. The role of the national intellectuals in shaping the attitudes of the conflicting political behavior of ethnic groups is underlined.
Ossetian-Ingush conflict, factors of ethno-political conflict, regional specificity of political management


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Chakalidi, F. G. (2018). Formation of the Crisis Factors of Political Management in the Ossetian-Ingush Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority), 26(2), 118-124. Retrieved from