The «New Silk Road»: to the Issues of Strategic Cooperation between Russia and China

  • Boris Vandanovich Bazarov
How to Cite
Bazarov B.V. The «New Silk Road»: to the Issues of Strategic Cooperation between Russia and China. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 11. P. 7-12.


The article analyzes the issues and prospects for strategic cooperation between Russia and China in the focus of the New Silk Road project. At present, China is taking active steps to implement the project, consisting of international agreements and contracts, infrastructure development and creation of special funds. The New Silk Road has become a large-scale program of international cooperation. This project can be the basis of a systemic shift in the world economy and geopolitics. In this regard, it is very important to understand the opportunities and prospects for cooperation between Russia and China in the frames of the New Silk Road project.
New Silk Road, Silk Road economic belt, geopolitics, strategic cooperation, China, Russia


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Bazarov, B. V. (2017). The «New Silk Road»: to the Issues of Strategic Cooperation between Russia and China. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(11), 7-12. Retrieved from