Religion and Power in Russia in the 20th–21st Centuries: Three Models of State-Confessional Relations

  • Regina Massarovna Mukhametzyanova-Duggal
How to Cite
Mukhametzyanova-Duggal R.M. Religion and Power in Russia in the 20th–21st Centuries: Three Models of State-Confessional Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 6. P. 100-104.


The article discusses the succession of three models of state-confessional policy in Russia in the 20th–21st centuries. The author marked that the model of monarchist Russia was characterized by the clerical (religious) state, for the bourgeois period of Russian history – the model was characterized by the reforms, which ensured religious freedom, for the Soviet era – building an atheistic state. Special attention is paid to the modern period – to the process of formation of new (separating, and then cooperative) model of state-confessional relations.
model of state-confessional relations, secular state, Russia


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Mukhametzyanova-Duggal, R. M. (2017). Religion and Power in Russia in the 20th–21st Centuries: Three Models of State-Confessional Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(6), 100-104. Retrieved from