Social Contradictions of the Globalizing Society

  • Natal'ya Anatol'evna Kostrova
How to Cite
Kostrova N.A. Social Contradictions of the Globalizing Society. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 5. P. 181-186.


The modern society is developing extremely rapidly, as a result there have been significant changes in the structure of a number of local societies. The result of this process is the emergence of a number of crisis trends, many of which acquire a global scope. The article analyzes the main forms of socio-destructive phenomena from the point of view of revealing their causes in the social structure and processes of social transformation. The article considers internal and external aspects of development of social crises and explores the role of interstate organizations in resolving emerging problems and stabilizing the situation.
globalization, world society, local society, functional processes, social crisis


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Kostrova, N. A. (2017). Social Contradictions of the Globalizing Society. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(5), 181-186. Retrieved from