Government and Civil Institutions: the Problem of Trust and Distrust

  • Valentin Aleksandrovich Mikheev
How to Cite
Mikheev V.A. Government and Civil Institutions: the Problem of Trust and Distrust. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 5. P. 162-167.


The article discusses the content of the categories of trust and distrust, described in the works of Russian and foreign scientists, presented in everyday and public perception. The author gives his own definition of the data categories (concepts), and characterizes criteria, the features of formation of levels of the development of trust/distrust, the use of new mechanisms and technologies in relations of government and civil society institutions. The article analyzes areas of possible action on approval of sound state of trust and distrust.
civil society, nonprofit organization, trust/distrust, opposition, new technologies


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Mikheev, V. A. (2017). Government and Civil Institutions: the Problem of Trust and Distrust. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(5), 162-167. Retrieved from