Labor Discipline in the System of the Main Prison Administration in Pre-Revolutionary Russia (the Second Half of the XIX Century)

  • Sof'ya Leonidovna Kuras
How to Cite
Kuras S.L. Labor Discipline in the System of the Main Prison Administration in Pre-Revolutionary Russia (the Second Half of the XIX Century). Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 4. P. 144-149.


The article is devoted to one of the topical and unstudied issues – to the study of labor discipline of prison department staff in imperial Russia. This question always belonged to the special, classified information and was not subjected to publication in departmental periodicals. The problem of the last ones was to indicate only positive sides of prison reform, including designation of names of the appointed heads and noting their state awards, the activities of the Department, aimed at improving conditions for serving sentences of convicted persons. Therefore, the problem of good faith in the performance of the duties of the jailers did not become a subject of special scientific study. The article analyzes the structure of management of places of detention, the level of control of higher officials for the activities of staff. The article discusses the terms of reference and the improvement of the level of reporting from the place of detention. The author examines the degree of appropriate execution by employees of their official duties. The issues addressed include not only their official conduct, but also their moral character in society.
discipline, co-worker, prison, criminal punishment, prison reform, civil service


Detkov M.G. 1999. Tyur'my, lagerya i kolonii Rossii. – M.: Verdikt-IM. 448 s. (RUS.)

Sergeev V.N. 2007. Formennaya odezhda politseiskikh organov Rossii v XIX – nachale XX vv.: sotsial'no-politicheskii i kul'turno-istoricheskie aspekty: avtoref. … k.i.n. 24 s. (RUS.)
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Kuras, S. L. (2017). Labor Discipline in the System of the Main Prison Administration in Pre-Revolutionary Russia (the Second Half of the XIX Century). Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(4), 144-149. Retrieved from