Authority and Society in the Provincial Region: Specifics of Interaction

  • Valentin Pavlovich Babintsev
How to Cite
Babintsev V.P. Authority and Society in the Provincial Region: Specifics of Interaction. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 34-41.


The article considers the problem of organization of interaction between authority and society on the example of provincial Russian regions. The article justifies that in an unstable social environment, establishing of such interaction becomes the major requirement, and the refusal of it minimizes possibilities of the strategic development. The author formulates the conclusion that modern Russian regions are characterized by the contradiction between a dynamic, unstable society and a formal-bureaucratic system of administration. The existence of this contradiction significantly complicates the process of the interaction between power and civil society. The article proves that the regional bureaucracy owing to the features of its dispositions is not ready to real cooperation with the society. His practice often takes the imitative nature, which in the conditions of the passivity of citizens and the low level of trust in the institutions of governance, as a rule, gives it the manipulative nature.
provincial region, social instability, chaos, civil society, civil participation, bureaucracy, power


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Babintsev, V. P. (2017). Authority and Society in the Provincial Region: Specifics of Interaction. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(3), 34-41. Retrieved from