Professional Image of the Soviet Engineer: from Traditional Values to Alternative Elements of the Identity

  • Dmitrii Petrovich Isaev
  • Nikolai Alekseevich Trapsh
How to Cite
Isaev D.P., Trapsh N.A. Professional Image of the Soviet Engineer: from Traditional Values to Alternative Elements of the Identity. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 2. P. 148-156.


The article is devoted to questions of formation and evolution of the Soviet engineer's professional identity. The authors propose to consider this process through the actualization of the traditional, Soviet and alternative identification elements in different historical periods. On the authors' opinion, the first generation of Soviet engineers inevitably built their professional identity on a foundation of both traditional and new Soviet values. At the same time an alternative identity was formed, serving as a compensatory function in the conditions of the totalitarianism. In the second half of the 20th century, on the one hand, for the engineer the importance of universal values increased, on the other hand, in those times it was more difficult for an engineer to realize himself as an expert in his subject. Scientific-technical policy of the state promoted the development of more uncertain professional identity of an engineer.
Soviet engineer, labor, professional identity, tradition, alternative values


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Isaev, D. P., & Trapsh, N. A. (2017). Professional Image of the Soviet Engineer: from Traditional Values to Alternative Elements of the Identity. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(2), 148-156. Retrieved from