Preconditions of the Mass Communication Theory Becoming in the XX Century by the Example of the Soviet Experience

  • Anastasiya Sergeevna Yufereva
How to Cite
Yufereva A.S. Preconditions of the Mass Communication Theory Becoming in the XX Century by the Example of the Soviet Experience. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 2. P. 99-102.


The paper considers the development of the mass communication theory in the context of the Soviet experience. As the title implies, the article describes the main approaches to understanding this phenomenon. Due to the plural character of the theory of mass communication, it is necessary to investigate the question of this phenomenon effect on the realm of politics. The objective of this research is to find out the aspects of an influence of the historical, political and cultural context on the formation of the theory of mass communication in the Soviet Union. In order to achieve this aim the author studies domestic approaches to conduct an extensive analysis of this topic in more details. The article emphasizes that the object and verifiable results are obtained by the scientific methods, such as systematic approach and comparative methods. The study shows a few theoretical examples, which reflect the main aspects of making the theory of mass communication in the Soviet Union.
study of mass communication, mass communication, propaganda, agitation, Soviet experience


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Yufereva, A. S. (2017). Preconditions of the Mass Communication Theory Becoming in the XX Century by the Example of the Soviet Experience. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(2), 99-102. Retrieved from