Projects of Innovative Development of the Military-Industrial Complex: an Analysis of Possibilities of their Successful Realization

  • Il'siya Khatypovna Yarullina
How to Cite
Yarullina I.K. Projects of Innovative Development of the Military-Industrial Complex: an Analysis of Possibilities of their Successful Realization. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 25. No. 1. P. 87-90.


The article considers the modern state and legal regulation of the military-industrial complex development. The selected abstracts of the country's leadership presentations at the fundamental events, meetings, workshops have become sources of justification of the author's position. The paper gives an analysis of the directions of the state program «The Development of the Military-industrial Complex» with the identification of existing problems and shortcomings in its design. The author proposes the issues, which need to be solved in order to successfully implement this program.
defense industry, arms, weapons, innovations, development


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Yarullina, I. K. (2017). Projects of Innovative Development of the Military-Industrial Complex: an Analysis of Possibilities of their Successful Realization. Vlast’ (The Authority), 25(1), 87-90. Retrieved from