Corruption in the Communal Services: Problems and Prevention on the Basis of the National Standard Service of Quality for Citizens

  • Konstantin Igorevich Ryabov
How to Cite
Ryabov K.I. Corruption in the Communal Services: Problems and Prevention on the Basis of the National Standard Service of Quality for Citizens. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2017. Vol. 24. No. 12. P. 108-113.


The article, based on the analysis of scientific literature, social practice, and the results of concrete sociological research identifies and reveals the basic problems of housing and utilities, their corruption conditionality and suggests the ways of their resolution.
corruption, housing and communal services, associations of proprietors of habitation (TSZH), prevention, social management, social practice, social control, National Standard of Quality Services (NSQON)


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Ryabov, K. I. (2017). Corruption in the Communal Services: Problems and Prevention on the Basis of the National Standard Service of Quality for Citizens. Vlast’ (The Authority), 24(12), 108-113. Retrieved from