Evolution of the Control System of the British Coal Branch in the Middle of the 20th – the Beginning of the 21st Centuries

  • Vitalii Gennad'evich Shishikin wital_sh@mail.ru
How to Cite
Shishikin V.G. Evolution of the Control System of the British Coal Branch in the Middle of the 20th – the Beginning of the 21st Centuries. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 24. No. 6. P. 210-217.


The control system in the British coal industry has undergone some major changes during the second half of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century. The starting point of the reform was the question of the nationalization of coal mining: a positive decision of the Labour Party after World War II. Simultaneously governing structures were established, whose activities had been continuously improving in order to maintain the dynamism of the coal sector. Radical changes took place within a few decades when Tories carried out the privatization of coal mining, which led to the renewal of its management system, and subsequently to the virtual elimination of the industry due to the requests of the country's economic system mismatch.
Great Britain, power, control system, coal industry, public-private partnership, privatization, nationalization


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Shishikin, V. G. (2016). Evolution of the Control System of the British Coal Branch in the Middle of the 20th – the Beginning of the 21st Centuries. Vlast’ (The Authority), 24(6), 210-217. Retrieved from https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/vlast/article/view/4341