Theory and Practice of Adaptive Re-Socialization of Minor Convicts Serving Sentences in Places of Deprivation of Liberty: Sociological Aspect

  • Artem Yur'evich Nesterov
How to Cite
Nesterov A.Y. Theory and Practice of Adaptive Re-Socialization of Minor Convicts Serving Sentences in Places of Deprivation of Liberty: Sociological Aspect. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 24. No. 6. P. 186-190.


The author considers the principles of resocialization in the Omsk educational colony of the UFSIN Russia in the Omsk region. The examples of preventive maintenance of juvenile delinquency are given. In this context, not only the practical realization of the principle of inevitability of punishment, but also the improvement of the entire prison system are of paramount importance in order to prevent cases of repeated offenses by juvenile convicts, serving sentences. Statistics show a high level of recidivism among juvenile offenders (from 14 to 18 years).
prisons, UFSIN Russia in the Omsk region, convicted minors, resocialization, post-penitentiary adaptation, delinquency prevention


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Nesterov, A. Y. (2016). Theory and Practice of Adaptive Re-Socialization of Minor Convicts Serving Sentences in Places of Deprivation of Liberty: Sociological Aspect. Vlast’ (The Authority), 24(6), 186-190. Retrieved from