Plato about the Prophecy as Political Advisory Work

  • Gennadii Ivanovich Marchenko
How to Cite
Marchenko G.I. Plato about the Prophecy as Political Advisory Work. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 24. No. 6. P. 152-159.


In this article, the author set the task of identifying the various aspects of the phenomenon of prophecy, which was widespread in the ancient society and played an important political role. Plato’s judgments about it scattered through the pages of many of the dialogues written by him, which required putting them together and organizing them. Consideration of this phenomenon helps to clarify the sources of policy advice, and is advisable to form as the history and theory of the phenomenon.
Plato, counselors, prophets, oracles nature, political role and function of the diviners


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Marchenko, G. I. (2016). Plato about the Prophecy as Political Advisory Work. Vlast’ (The Authority), 24(6), 152-159. Retrieved from