Social Recovery after Disasters at Nuclear Sites: Sociological Support of Decision Making

  • Alla Viktorovna Mozgovaya
How to Cite
Mozgovaya A.V. Social Recovery after Disasters at Nuclear Sites: Sociological Support of Decision Making. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 24. No. 6. P. 107-115.


Basing on the document and scientific publications analysis, the author proves that the main part of disaster concepts in the field of decision-making treated damage only as material and health wane. Large scale accidents (Bhopal (India), Sevezo (Spain) and Chernobyl (Russia) proved the ideas that social damage and social consequences for life style, values, world views of victims are even more important than the material impact. The author analyzes the data of sociological surveys concerning social problems of Chernobyl victims in the spheres of life values structure, migration orientations, family relations and children birth planning, business, education, social protection. As the result of previous analysis, the author presents and proves the main positions of social recovery concept starting from sociological monitoring data as the first stage of social processes managing, including mitigation of risk and disaster consequences.
social recovery, social consequences, life style, risk, Chernobyl victims, social support of decision-making


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Mozgovaya, A. V. (2016). Social Recovery after Disasters at Nuclear Sites: Sociological Support of Decision Making. Vlast’ (The Authority), 24(6), 107-115. Retrieved from