International Commodity Trade 2001-2015: Trends and “Failures” in 2015

  • Igor' Sergeevich Gladkov
How to Cite
Gladkov I.S. International Commodity Trade 2001-2015: Trends and “Failures” in 2015. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 24. No. 6. P. 92-100.


The article contains research of the shifts in dynamics and geographical structure of the international commodity trade at the beginning of the 21st century. The article analyzes the latest trends in foreign trade that emerged after falling of the world prices on all main commodity groups, introduction of the anti-Russian sanctions from a number of Western countries and retaliatory measures of the Russian Federation. The author has generalized the official statistics and provided settlement data for 2001–2015, that allowed to formulate the main conclusions.
international trade, foreign trade, merchandise export/import, China, USA, Germany, European Union, Russia


Gladkov I.S. 2016a. Vneshnetorgovye svyazi na postsovetskom prostranstve: tendentsii XXI v. – Vlast'. № 4. S. 52-61. (RUS.)

Gladkov I.S. 2016b. Vneshnyaya torgovlya Rossiiskoi Federatsii na sovremennom etape: novye trendy 2015 goda. – Vlast'. № 3. S. 136-145. (RUS.)

Gladkov I.S. 2016v. Rossiya v sisteme mirovoi i regional'noi tovarnoi torgovli: tendentsii i noveishie sdvigi (2001–2015 gg.). – Mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya i torgovaya politika. № 2. S. 60-73. (RUS.)
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Gladkov, I. S. (2016). International Commodity Trade 2001-2015: Trends and “Failures” in 2015. Vlast’ (The Authority), 24(6), 92-100. Retrieved from