The Egituysky Datsan: Archival Evidence of the History of the Lamasery Construction

  • Darima Sanzhievna Zhamsueva
How to Cite
Zhamsueva D.S. The Egituysky Datsan: Archival Evidence of the History of the Lamasery Construction. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 23. No. 11. P. 180-184.


In the article the author, basing on archival sources considers the history of the construction and development of the Egituysky datsan, famous for its Sandalwood Buddha (Zandan Zhuu) that, according to the legend, was carved out in Buddha’s lifetime. The construction history of both main buildings and auxiliary structures of the datsan complex is given in more detail.
Buddhism, construction of lamasery, cultic architecture, Sandalwood Buddha, tsokchen dugan, Buddhist heritage


Kirilov N. 1898. Datsany v Zabaikal'e. Khabarovsk: Zap. Priam. Imp. RGO. Pril. II. 148 p

Terent'ev A.A. 2010. Sandalovyi Budda radzhi Udayany. SPb.: Izd. A. Terent'eva. 112 p
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Zhamsueva, D. S. (2016). The Egituysky Datsan: Archival Evidence of the History of the Lamasery Construction. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(11), 180-184. Retrieved from